
Jun 26 2020


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

How the Mind Works: A Guided Inquiry Into Your Own Mind! Online – June 26th to 28th

Each of us has a “bio-computer,” and its contents – what we call the MIND. As we explore how the mind functions, we can recognize the difficulty it produces for us, in a variety of ways. And this is especially so if we identify with its functioning as who we think we are! Then, instead of using the mind, we are used by it! This workshop reveals the many ways the mind makes it difficult for us to live a relaxed, aware, and satisfying life. You’ll get powerful insights into how to maximize the mind’s benefits and how to minimize its ability to produce pain, fear, anxiety and worry!

What you will learn –

Experiences and in-depth understanding of how the mind functions –

including how and what it thinks;

what thought process, stories and actions it uses; and

how it often produces tension, fear, anxiety, worry, confusion and indecision.

We will explore many of over 100 identifiable functions that are common in every mind.

With these understandings you can move into a new experience of what the mind is actually doing, and learn how to effectively deal with it.


Workshop Cost – $200

Pay with Credit/Debit Card-

Workshop Payment: $200


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Pay with Venmo

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If you have a calling for this workshop but are unable to pay, let’s see if there is something we can work out together.  You can contact us at or +1 206-772-8897.


ZOOM meeting

To be announced soo

Hourly Schedule

Day 1 - June 26 2020 - Meet and Greet

6pm - to

Day 2 - June 27 2020 - Deep Dive

10am - to

Day 3 - June 28 2020 - Living the Experience

10am - to
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