Sacred Sharing Circle (Online and In-Person)
What is the Sacred Sharing Circle? Most people do not think of Sharing Groups as having a meditative quality. At World of Meditation, our Sacred Sharing group is designed to give each participant a chance to test the waters of speaking freely and openly, as well as practicing listening as a meditation.
Why do we offer a Sharing Circle? We offer this Sacred Sharing Circle because we find it to be of great value in learning how to express ourselves more honestly – and in connection with a deeper part of who we really are. This practice is extremely helpful in bringing that quality into our daily life.
The Sacred Sharing Circle offers a safe, confidential space for us to speak and to be heard in a meditative and non-confronting atmosphere. Everything spoken is held in utmost confidence and everyone agrees not to discuss with others outside the circle what has been said. The only exception is that a person may speak to others about their own personal sharing.
How we do it: The group has a non-intrusive facilitation by Shanti and Subhan. Each person has 10 minutes for sharing and 5 minutes for feedback, if they wish to have feedback.
Each weekly session starts with a short meditation to ground ourselves, so that we are able to speak whatever we want to share, and to listen attentively to each other.
During a sharing everyone is asked to be fully present for the person sharing. We keep our eyes on them and are open to them, without interrupting them, or trying to “rescue” them in any way, or drawing attention to ourselves through sounds or gestures. If the person sharing feels to stop talking, it is fine to be in silence for the remainder of their time. Much can happen in that silence.
It’s good to remember that there is no dialogue exchange in either the sharing or feedback time. During feedback, the speaker simply listens.
Here is Osho on Art of Listening
If the person sharing wants feedback or help, they can ask for it after the sharing time is completed. Feedback is most helpful when it is not loaded with advice or attempts to “therapize,” but rather it acknowledges what you have heard them say and suggests an alternative if you see a possible blind spot or unconscious pattern. We ask that your feedback be as short and clear as possible so that there is space for others to share what they perceive. If you are the one receiving feedback, you receive it without responding.
Expectations in Meditation by Mystic Osho.
ZOOM Meeting Link -Meeting ID: 66836
DIAL IN Information to join via phone call 86419966836 and Password: 12345