
Feb 03 - 06 2025

The Tao Experience: Going With the Flow of Life, Not Against It! Online/In-Person

“We are creating an opportunity to be with one another for an extended period of time – 10 days! The format of the “Tao Experience” workshop allows ANYTHING to be explored! And as the facilitators, we can help guide and expand upon whatever inquiry shows up! We’ll explore what feels important to the group. That could, for example, include:
An exploration of “Fear” – what it is and how to deal with it. We can also look at our experience of life being not good enough, and yet, not bad enough; and how this going back and forth leads us to need diversions to avoid the pain of never arriving where we think we would like to be! We’ll also able to explore the
inner critic, which is ESSENTIAL to being more kind with ourselves and others! And we can look at where and how does seeking pleasure and avoiding pain come into and affect our lives? The list of explorations will contain whatever the participants want!

And, we will also share meditations, both active and passive with you, as well as shorter ones that Osho shared with us over the years, that will help us find our way into more silence and relaxation and watchfulness!

It will be 10 days of EXPLORATION of ALL these possibilities and more – creating an integrated tapestry of new understandings and revelations of what is really happening in the deeper levels of our lives! It will be a very fluid opportunity to experience WHATEVER comes up!”

The first weekend is from Friday Evening, Jan 31 – Feb 2.

The next four weekday evenings (Monday – Thursday Feb 3 – 6, 7pm-9pm)

The second weekend is from Friday Evening, February 7-9

The price is $575 per person, and the early bird price is $525, until December 15th. There is a special “Extra early bird” price of $450 – a savings of $125, for those who sign up by October 15th, 2024.

This workshop is facilitated by two certified meditation teachers, Subhan Schenker and Shanti Schenker-Skye. They have been Osho disciples for over 45 years each. They also have a combined 70 years of workshop and meditation facilitation experience!! They are the co-directors of the World of Meditation Center in Seattle, Washington, which was established in 1979. They have facilitated workshops around the world – in Asia, Europe, Mexico and the US

More Information about “The Tao Experience!”

In October, 1979, Subhan did a unique workshop in Osho’s Ashram in India, which was called “The Tao Group.” It was a major turning point in his life! Until then, he had heard the word “flow” and the Taoist term “the Way” – a term used to describe the Taoists’ guiding principal. But he had no real understanding of what they meant! This workshop gave him the living experience of their meaning! He tasted what it was like to go WITH life, instead of fighting it or pushing it.  And that experience has stayed with him to this day!

That is why he began facilitating this workshop, in the U.S. and in Mexico. And that is why he wants to offer it to YOU!

We will be putting up all the details of the schedule and how and where to pay.


The World of Meditation Center


The World of Meditation Center
+1 206 772 8897

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