Here we are doing the Kundalini meditation. This meditation is a pathway to move your life energy from the first chakra or the sex center to the last, or the crown chakra. That is why for the first fifteen minutes of this meditation, you shake your body. The purpose of shaking is that whatever energy is lying suppressed or dormant anywhere melts; wherever it is lying stuck or blocked, it starts flowing from there. If you shake your body rightly and wholeheartedly for these fifteen minutes, all suppressed energy will be activated and will start flowing.

Then in the second stage is dancing. The purpose of dancing is that the energy that has now spread all over you can transform into bliss and you dance as if you are celebrating, as if some great phenomenon has taken place, as if a light has descended in your life. So dance blissfully, because the more blissful you are the more your energy rises up, and the more energy rises up, the more blissful you become.

So if you become ecstatic and start dancing, as if you have drunk the whole tavern… A lukewarm dance, a miser’s dance won’t do! A lukewarm effort will not help. It needs intensity. One is dancing as if one has gone mad.

When the energy is flowing and you are soaked with bliss, then stand still, or sit down still, so that the energy can now have the full opportunity to flow. It is better to sit down so that only the spine remains: the whole body has disappeared, only the spine is there. And the energy can move up through the spine and accumulate in the whole spine.

Next, one should lie down, so that it becomes even easier for the accumulating and upward rising energy, and it begins to hit at the tenth door*. The whole experiment of the Kundalini meditation is about impacting at this tenth door.

[*Note: The body has nine doors: two eyes, two nostrils, a mouth, two ears, an anus and the sex organ. Our whole life is confined to these doors. The tenth door is the door to the infinite; it is the door of existence. At one end is sex, and at the other end is the tenth door, the crown chakra.]