Pay for Heart and Soul Meditation

 Single Meditation Pass:  Single Meditation is $8. 

10 Meditations Pass: We also offer a 10 Meditations Pass for a set price of $80.

Unlimited Meditation Pass: If you attend more than 10 meditations within a 30-day period (we offer at least 12 events a week), the pass converts to an Unlimited Monthly Pass during that 30-day period! That means you could do as many as 40 events for the $80 price!

Donate: In addition to the payments above, if you would like to help financially support the Center, use the DONATE option below. 

There are several ways to make a payment (Card, PayPal, Venmo, Donate) – After purchasing your event with one of these payment options, scroll down further to get the Zoom link.

Single Meditation – $8


Meditation Pass – $80

Pay with Venmo Button

pay with venmo button

 If you wish  to give an additional contribution to the Center, enter it here. 


ZOOM Meeting

Meeting ID: 86576330147

Password: 12345

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