Director at The World of Meditation, Seattle, USA

The “work” I have done on my own path of discovery has taken me all over the globe and goes back over forty years! It started as a lawyer on the East Coast of the US, and became a quest to discover who “I” really am! And it continues on both my personal path, as well as sharing what I have experienced and understood through all these amazing years, with those who are thirsty to discover their own inner nature!
I have been a disciple of the Indian mystic, Osho, since 1979. I lived in India and in other Osho communities for over ten years; and in Japan for five years. These international “flavors” have deeply affected me, have enhanced the quality of my life, and have given me great understanding into the nature of life on this planet, and on how the mind functions and becomes dysfunctional.
I have been traveling worldwide for the past 25 years – facilitating workshops, meditation, counseling and classes in: Europe, Asia, Central America and the US.
I am an ordained spiritual counselor, and I offer a variety of counseling experiences in my private practice. I am also a certified Meditation facilitator, with over forty years of meditation experience. I have received both a Masters and a Doctorate in Meditation from the Osho International Meditation University.
If you would like to explore your true potential, and find ways to invite transformation into your life, I will gladly share my experiences, insights and intuition with you. I look forward to connecting with you!