
Dec 31 2021

TimePacific Time

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Dancing in the New Year with Osho Nataraj Meditation (Online)

(Cover Painting by Deva Padma




“Anywhere Everywhere!  Anything Anyhow! Just Dance. 

Dance Madly as if All of Life is meant for Dancing and Celebrating!” (osho)

Let’s Celebrate Together, with Dance the New Year Coming In… Here is the explanation on how to do the Osho Nataraj Meditation.

What is Osho Nataraj Meditation? The Nataraj Meditation is a free style dance meditation.

Why do we offer this meditation? (Don’t worry if you feel you can’t dance – this is free form, moving however your body wants to move to the music! No one will be watching or judging you.) Dance is an easy doorway to enter into meditation and has been used in many mystery schools. When the body is moving, thinking can more easily stop as the energy is now moving from the head to the body and from there into a space where the dancer disappears and only the dance remains.

How we do it?

There are three stages: 40 minutes of free form dance, 20 minutes of laying down, and 5 more minutes of dance – lasting a total of 65 minutes.

Osho often guided us into dance and celebration.  “Let the dance flow in its own way; don’t force it.  Rather, follow it; allow it to happen.  It is not a doing but a happening.  Remain in the mood of festivity.  You are not doing something very serious, you are just playing, playing with your life energy, playing with your bio-energy, allowing it to move in its own way.  Just like the wind blows and the river flows – you are flowing and blowing.  Feel it.  And be playful.  Remember this word ‘playful’ always – wit hem it is very basic. In India we call creation God’s Leela- God’s Play.  God has not created the world; it is his play.” In this dance with closed eyes as if your are possessed. Let your unconscious take over completely.  Do not control your movements or be a witness to what is happening.  Just be totally in the dance.

The meditation is one hour, but a few minutes goes to getting acquainted with each other and then giving the  instructions.  Afterwards, let yourself come back as slowly as you would like.

We wish all of you a Joyous New Year!



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