“What Owns You? (…and How to Resolve This!)” An Online Workshop (Sept 30th – Oct 2nd);
Read these questions, below, and you are on your way to an expansive inquiry into whatever creates difficulties and dissatisfaction in your life!! Here they are:
Do you own your things (like your cellphone)? Or do they own you?
Do you eat to live? Or do you live to eat?
Do you control the internet? Or does it control you?
Do you control your thoughts? Or do they control you?
Are you an equal in your relationships? Or do others control you?
Do you control your job? Or does your job control you?
Do you own your entertainment? Or does it own you?
These and other questions, plus processes and explorations, can help you discover what “runs” your life, through needs, desires and cravings!
Just finding out that something is “out of control” is a significant discovery! And learning how to DEAL with that situation is ESSENTIAL if you are to ever enjoy your life, and find it truly fulfilling!
Join us for a weekend of discovery, adventure and new understandings about issues that have been taking away your feeling of satisfaction, joy and peace!
Subhan Schenker, J.D., Certified Counselor, will be facilitating this workshop. Shanti Schenker-Skye will be assisting. Both Subhan and Shanti have been facilitating Personal Growth workshops in the US, India, Europe, and Asia for over thirty years. They are certified meditation facilitators and have been meditators since the 1970’s.
The cost is: $270; early bird price (through September 23rd) $240.
The Zoom Link will be given upon registration. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81638211777
Hourly Schedule
Friday Sept 30
- 6pm - 9pm,
- 1st Evening Session
Subhan Schenker
Saturday Morning Session
- 8am - 11am
Subhan Schenker
Saturday Afternoon Session
- 1pm - 5pm
Saturday Evening Session
- 6pm - 8pm
Sunday Morning
- 8am - 11am
Surya Gaertner
Sunday Afternoon Session
- 1pm, - 5pm