We Offer all Meditations Online and Selected Ones at the Center. Connect with us if you are interested in coming to the Center.
The World of Meditation is a serene, yet alive and supportive center where we offer a variety of Osho’s (and other mystic’s) meditations, as well as workshops, events, classes, support-groups, counseling, in-sight card reading, and soon an online bookstore to buy “Rare Osho Books” to enhance the quality of your life!
If you want to meditate but can’t sit still – then many of these meditation techniques could be perfect for you. We offer a variety of active meditations that first release mind/body stress and anxiety making it easier to settle and move inside yourself. We also offer more traditional, passive meditations for those who have an affinity for them.
This unique center supports you in navigating the challenges of life.
It is a life-line for people who are thirsty for deeper harmony, creativity, peace, awareness and joy in their lives. With the support of meditation and insightful workshops and events, it is possible to experience a transformational taste of the inner being and peace of mind.
Almost 15 years ago, when I had just started meditating, I chanced upon a book by Osho. I was immediately hooked and eagerly read many of his other books on meditation. A few months later my allergy doctor, who is also a meditator, happened to mention the World of Meditation (WoM) run by people who had spent time with Osho. Talk about divine providence! After almost a decade of visiting WoM and attending several meditations and workshops with Subhan and Shanti, my wife and I remember their valuable satsang as the most cherished moments of our time in Seattle. Having relocated to the Bay Area, we feel truly blessed that existence has now arranged to make WoM accessible via Zoom!
Osho said a life rightly lived increases in beauty and richness as one grows older. WoM is a venue where one can benefit from the flowering of the lives of beautiful, lifelong seekers like Subhan, Shanti, and other Osho sannyasins. I invite everyone to come experience the beautiful fragrance of silence and wisdom that is so selflessly and generously shared by the keepers of this sacred Buddhafield.
I met Subhan and Shanti when they taught a dynamic meditation workshop at Yoga to the People in San Francisco in 2017. They opened me up to many different ways of practicing meditation. Subhan gave me counseling for several months, and it really helped me to grieve the death of my dad, brother, and sister. Subhan’s approach to counseling has been unique in my experience, because I feel like our relationship is more of a spiritual teacher and student type of relationship as opposed to my previous experiences with other counselors where I felt like I was just a client to them. I have so much love for both of them, especially when they’re teaching together. I highly recommend their workshops and counseling.
Dominic Jeffries-
We are so glad we can participate in the Satsang. I, Nadam, really needed it, as I am rather unsettled these days.
Thank you again for making this available, it is so needed to feel connected.
Every workshop I have done at the (wonderful) World of Meditation has helped me build more self-awareness, love and silence the critical mind. Shanti and Subhan specialize in offering active meditations to folks who want to meditate but can’t. They are highly skilled in helping the participants “watch” the deeper layers of the mind that stop us from moving forward towards our true dreams and selves. They keep the workshops very experiential, loaded with wisdom and topped with delightful humor. Subhan picks some amazing quotes for each workshop which aid the participants to reflect deeper. Shanti has truly created a space of compassion, warmth and joyful leadership for each participant. They are my favorite mentors and helped me have OSHO in my wonderful life.
I would like to share with you what happened this afternoon in Zen meditation (with Subhan, Shanti and Pranesh). Some know I struggle with English! I understand it a little, but cannot speak it! I knew that perhaps no one would come who could help with the translation. However I decided to join!
The beauty of all this is that meditation is indeed a beautiful way of living, there are no borders, creeds, or languages, it is pure love, it is a gift to be present, sharing with great teachers. If you have the opportunity to ever enter Zen meditation, it is beautiful! It fills you with peace and infinite tranquility. Tuesdays are also a great gift, learning unknown meditations from Osho, that fill your soul.
Make a small contribution to the center in Seattle! It is nothing compared to everything beautiful that they have to give us. I am infinitely grateful to life for this opportunity and I would like everyone to take the time to do this. It is a great gift!
I would like to share with you what happened this afternoon in Zen meditation (with Subhan, Shanti and Pranesh). Some know I struggle with English! I understand it a little, but cannot speak it! I knew that perhaps no one would come who could help with the translation. However I decided to join!
The beauty of all this is that meditation is indeed a beautiful way of living, there are no borders, creeds, or languages, it is pure love, it is a gift to be present, sharing with great teachers. If you have the opportunity to ever enter Zen meditation, it is beautiful! It fills you with peace and infinite tranquility. Tuesdays are also a great gift, learning unknown meditations from Osho, that fill your soul.
Make a small contribution to the center in Seattle! It is nothing compared to everything beautiful that they have to give us. I am infinitely grateful to life for this opportunity and I would like everyone to take the time to do this. It is a great gift!
World of Meditation, Seattle WA
World of Meditation, Seattle WA
World of Meditation, Seattle WA
Every workshop I have done at the (wonderful) World of Meditation has helped me build more self-awareness, love and silence the critical mind. Shanti and Subhan specialize in offering active meditations to folks who want to meditate but can’t. They are highly skilled in helping the participants “watch” the deeper layers of the mind that stop us from moving forward towards our true dreams and selves. They keep the workshops very experiential, loaded with wisdom and topped with delightful humor. Subhan picks some amazing quotes for each workshop which aid the participants to reflect deeper. Shanti has truly created a space of compassion, warmth and joyful leadership for each participant. They are my favorite mentors and helped me have OSHO in my wonderful life.
I met Subhan and Shanti when they taught a dynamic meditation workshop at Yoga to the People in San Francisco in 2017. They opened me up to many different ways of practicing meditation. Subhan gave me counseling for several months, and it really helped me to grieve the death of my dad, brother, and sister. Subhan’s approach to counseling has been unique in my experience, because I feel like our relationship is more of a spiritual teacher and student type of relationship as opposed to my previous experiences with other counselors where I felt like I was just a client to them. I have so much love for both of them, especially when they’re teaching together. I highly recommend their workshops and counseling.
Dominic Jeffries-
We are so glad we can participate in the Satsang. I, Nadam, really needed it, as I am rather unsettled these days.
Thank you again for making this available, it is so needed to feel connected.
Subhan Schenker offers individual, couples and group/family sessions in Relationship, Career, Meditation, Decision-making and Body-Mind & Spirit Counseling – in-depth counseling, using a broad spectrum of techniques, processes and meditations, shared through Subhan’s understanding, intuition, training and life experiences.
An Insight card reading using the OSHO Zen Tarot Deck will help you gain understanding and clarity about issues that you encounter in your journey through life. Readings can also be done just for the sheer joy of seeing what the cards will say in this moment. They hold a message for you that will help deepen awareness and enrich the quality of your life.
I find meditation to be one of the most important tools on this journey through life! For many years, I lived in India and Japan – invibing the teachings of the East. Since 1973 as a disciple of the Mystic Osho, I have been continually experiencing and teaching both active and passive meditations and workshops in India, Europe, Japan and America.
The “work” I have done on my own path of discovery has taken me all over the globe and goes back over forty years! It started as a lawyer on the East Coast of the US, and became a quest to discover who “I” really am! And it continues on both my personal path, as well as sharing what I have experienced and understood through all these amazing years, with those who are thirsty to discover their own inner nature!
The Mystic Osho introduced a series of what he called active meditation techniques to the world. They first release mind/body stress and slow down the overthinking mind. This then gives space to relax into the inner silence. Osho’s understanding is that in our fast-paced modern world it is not so easy to go straight from our hectic level of activity to the more traditional, completely silent sitting meditations. The meditations are from many traditions and are for everyone who wants to meditate.
Osho speaks on virtually every aspect of the development of human consciousness. His talks cover a staggering range – from the meaning of life and death to the struggle of power and politics, from the challenges of love and creativity to the significance of science and education.
He has an uncanny ability to translate ancient teachings into modern day understandings. He speaks on a vast array of spiritual traditions, such as Christianity, Sufism, Hassidism, Zen, Taoism and Buddhism. He also shares stories of the colorful history of mystics from all over the world!